Aid to Lebanon

Aid distribution in Covid Times


This year, our scholarship aid reached 339 kids and covered 12 schools located in the rural areas from Batroun to the North to Jezzine to the south, passing by Kesrouan and the Chouf mountains. The ton of diesel is selling for $955/ton this year. Scholarships were distributed to cover tuition deficits and enable schools to pay teacher fees. 34 tons of diesel fuel were distributed to the schools and to the orphanage of St Anthony the Great (Zghorta area).
A young girl smiling for the camera.


This winter has been long and cold in the farmland and apple orchards. Heating prices are skyrocketing to $700 + a ton. 226 kids have returned to school on empty stomachs. Teacher salaries are not enough to cover the cost of daily transportation to school. The aid we provided had to be expanded beyond tuition deficits to cover teacher bonuses, 3 to 4 tons of diesel fuel for heating and lighting every school, an electric generator to Central College in Jounieh, kitchen equipment to the school of Baskinta to enable them feed all students one meal a day.


August 2021: The State of Florida approves the change of name from Peace of Lebanon inc. to Children of Lebanon inc. That change is long overdue. The war ended in 1989 and at the time this organization was founded, Lebanon was hoping for peace. Today, the focus is on the children and the future of Lebanon.

We are thrilled to introduce one of our many success stories: Mr. Elias Ghanem whom we met when he was only 8 years old, is now twenty. Thanks to our support, Elias graduated from nursing school in 2021 and is now able to support himself and lead a productive life.

50 Laptops delivered to Beit Habbak School and 28 IPads to St. Vincent Baskinta School

2020 – August 4th Beirut Explosion Aid

As you all know, the massive explosion of August 4th, 2020 caused terrible devastation and crippled the hospitals and a major section of the population in Beirut/Achrafieh sector. This is how Peace for Lebanon responded to the disaster:
o Our social worker has been on the ground visiting and documenting the needs of the families, and getting signed receipts from each recipient. Thank you for your support!

o The week of August 4th, 94 kids in 5 schools received scholarships. $54,000 was wired directly to schools.
o The week of October 1st, an additional $33,000 was wired to 18 families directly impacted by the blast and in need of housing or medical aid.
o The hospital of the Rosary, located 800m from the site of the blast, has been provided with new bedding: bedsheets, covers, pillows
produced by the factory in Lebanon This hospital reopened one of its floors and functions partially

The Rosary Sisters Hospital is a 200 bed hospital in the Gemmayze neighborhood of Beirut with state of the art investigative equipment and operating rooms. They employ 160 persons as well as 140 physicians


A few of the victims of the blast at the port 8/4/2020, recipients of our emergency aid.

Mrs. Souad, Medawar area of Beirut 500 meters away from the site of the blast.

Mr. Sam and his wife hospitalized – Medawar

Mrs. Christiane – Medawar despite tremendous damages to her home, she still volunteers to cook 600 warm daily meals.

Mrs. Alice

Mr. Jean needs to repair his “Twenty-Two” pub at Gemmayze

Ms. Carmen and family home destroyed by the blast – Gemmayze

Mr. Rabih – reopening his coffee shop at Corniche el Naher. Thanks to our aid.

Message de Mr Rabih

“Dear Donors, Funders and Friends,

On the behalf of Kahwet Al Franj Management, we would like to thank Peace for Lebanon for supporting our organization. Your donation of items and services are greatly appreciated and important to our success and continuation after the Beirut blast that occurred on the 4th of August.

Because of your generous giving and support, Kahwet Al Franj will rise again and open their doors soon. We are extremely grateful!


Kahwet Al Franj team”


Mrs. Antoinette – lives in this old building in the Mar Michael area, Beirut

Mrs. Alice and her family of 6 children (the last one a newborn) in the Karm el Zeitoun.

Mme Wadiaa – terminal cancer but always smiling manages the snack shop in Mar Mekhael

Christmas celebration with a hot meal

2020 – Scholarship provided to 94 students in rural schools.

In addition to excellent academics, the school offer special education services to students with learning disabilities in coordination to mainstream schooling. We all can use some good news at this time: one of the students we support in Adonis Jbeil scored 3rd for an international mental Math competition.


2019 – Tuition Aid distribution to more than 100 students.

Our aid extends from the South in Tyre to the Byblos area and benefits 7 schools as well as 2 orphanages in Zghorta and Daroun secured with heating fuel for the winter.

Adonis School families distribution

